Major Management Indicators

Cash Flows

Cash and cash equivalents (hereinafter, "Funds") at the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, increased to ¥102.509 billion, up ¥16.317 billion from the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023.

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

Funds provided by operating activities were ¥47.150 billion. This was mainly due to net profit before income taxes of ¥48.658 billion (up 9.3% from the previous fiscal year), net change in due from/to member dealers at auction of ¥9.949 billion (up 276.9% from the previous fiscal year), and income taxes paid of ¥14.362 billion (up 4.0% from the previous fiscal year).

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

Funds used in investment activities amounted to ¥2.646 billion. This was mainly due to purchases of property, plant and equipment of ¥2.096 billion (up 48.9% from the previous fiscal year), and purchase of intangible assets of ¥0.569 billion (up 22.0% from the previous fiscal year).

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

Funds used in financing activities amounted to ¥28.187 billion. This was mainly due to dividend payments of ¥16.596 billion (down 4.2% from the previous fiscal year) and purchase of treasury shares of \12.697 billion (up 678.0% from the previous fiscal year).

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