Value Creation Model

USS identities social issues it can help solve as priority subjects (materiality).
Our three businesses will continue to drive an increase in economic value by helping solve these various issues to provide diverse social value.

Management resources

Human capital

Highly trusted automotive inspection professional

  • Employees(Noncos nsolidated) 684
  • Vehicle inspectors 248

(As of March 31, 2023)

Social capital

1,000 new corporate members join annually with a large member base throughout Japan

  • On-site auction members 48,490
  • CIS(Internet)auction members 33,934
  • Satellite TV auction members 1,981 
  • Auction sites 19 locations throughout Japan
  • Used car purchasing stores 147 locations(15 directly operated, 132franchised)

(As of March 31, 2023)

Intellectual capital

Actively adoupting leading technologies to remain the top market shareholder

  • Matching that uses an enoronousvolume of data
  • A powerful security system
  • New car inspection technorogy using the DX

Financial capital(FY 2022)

  • Total assete ¥ 242.3 billion
  • Equity ratio 78.8 %

Natural capital

  • Materials used in automobiles and energy used for USS facilities and logistics
  • Vehicles, materials and other items that are recycled

USS group businesses

Important material subjects


Social value

  • Provide auctions where every member can be confident in having a fair and equal standing
  • Offer better access to quality automobiles at an affordable price
  • Support employment opportunities in automotive occupations
  • Support employee growth and respect diversity

Economic value

  • Sales ¥ 88.7 billion
  • Operating profit ¥ 43.7 billion
  • Return on equity 16.2 %

All FY 2022 results