- 2018/10/05 IR
- Announcement of USS Group Used Car Auction Data(90.1 KB)
- 2018/07/05 IR
- Notice of Terms for Issuance of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights)(61.5 KB)
- 2018/07/05 IR
- Announcement of USS Group Used Car Auction Data(86.5 KB)
- 2018/06/12 IR
- Notice Regarding the Allotment of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights)(91.9 KB)
- 2018/05/08 IR
- Notice of Dividends(38.9 KB)
- 2018/04/05 IR
- Announcement of USS Group Used Car Auction Data(96.3 KB)
- 2018/03/13 IR
- Notice of Partial Amendment of the Division of Directors' Duties and Nomination of New Outside Director Candidate(156.9 KB)
- 2018/02/28 IR
- Additional Investment Makes JAA a Wholly Owned Subsidiary(109.0 KB)
- 2018/01/09 IR
- Announcement of USS Group Used Car Auction Data(96.2 KB)